Monday, September 7, 2015

Week of September 9 & 12

Last week, we saw a busy Wednesday with a little extra traffic from the fair, and beautiful, sunny Saturday.  Thank you to artisan Linda Stiteler and musicians Christian and Taylor for sharing their talents at the Saturday market.   

And remember, we are still filling our special tents through the month of September, so if you know a community group, artisan, or musician who is interested in setting up at the market one Saturday, please have them contact us on our Facebook page or at!

This week, we are looking forward to the usual fresh, local produce, meats, baked goods, and honey, as well as live music and yoga!

Mahoning Creek Farm has lamb!  Have you wanted to try lamb but not sure what to do with it?  No problem!  Pick up a brochure filled with cooking tips and recipes, or ask Darlene for her recommendations!

Carlos Barata will spend the morning in our music tent.  Julie Means of TriYoga Indiana, PA will occupy our community tent, and she will lead a brief yoga session at 9:30.

TriYoga is a system of postures and movements, breath, and focus that brings health to the body and peace to the mind.  Classes are offered for all skill levels. 

Save the date! Saturday, September 26 is our Harvest for the Hungry event at the market.  Market shoppers can purchase an extra item or two (or however many you choose) to donate to the food bank at Zion Lutheran church.  We are currently looking for volunteers to help on the day of the event.  Volunteer tasks include walking around the market and spreading the word, helping to sort donations, and delivering donations to Zion Lutheran.  If you are willing to help out for a 1-hour shift (or longer is you'd like), please contact us at  

See you at the market!