Sunday, April 5, 2020

New Seasonal Produce Chart

The Indiana County Farmers' Market and vendors have been preparing for the market season and dreaming of all that this year's many markets will have to offer. We can't wait to enjoy our farmers' goods, and we hope you feel the same way.

The Indiana County Farmers' Market, open Wednesdays and Saturdays June–October, offers products beyond produce including: soaps, baked goods, dairy, meat, eggs, fermented foods, flour, flowers, and more!

While many items are available on a regular basis, seasonal items and produce are one of the things that make the market a special place. Want to know what produce is in season?:

Explore our seasonal produce chart below!

Use this chart throughout the market season so help you plan your meals and know when your favorite fruit and vegetables are likely to be available. Plus, when something you like is not yet in season, ask your farmer about trying something new.

What's your favorite fresh fruit or vegetable to eat? Can you find it on our chart? If not, let us know. In addition to this chart, we will aim to tell you when certain items will be available on a weekly basis.

If you're having trouble viewing the chart, you may click here to open a PDF for printing.

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