- Visit facebook.com/3pondsfarm to find the latest product
- Email huber7766@gmail.com to place a pre-order
- Subscribe for weekly inventory updates by visiting this URL http://eepurl.com/gNkjbP
- OR email sales@mahoningcreekfarm.com or phone 724-541-5717
- Order & pay online at our website mapleridgefarm.net.
- Order by 11am Tuesday for Wednesday afternoon pick-up and by 11am Friday for Saturday morning pick-up.
- Visit motherearthfarmpa.com/farmers-market-1 to see what products will be available at market each week
- Email motherearthfarmpa@gmail.com by noon on the Friday prior to the Saturday market to pre-order
Our vendors who are unable to offer pre-ordering will still be at the market offering a wide variety of products, so be sure to visit them when you're picking up your order.